Apartment Davenna features a panoramic mountain view from the bedroom window and the balcony, a kitchen with modern facilities, and a separate shower room from the toilet. It's best suited for 2 guests, with a maximum capacity of 2 adults and a small child.
Ganeu is a 2 bedroom apartment with 2 double beds, a sleeping couch, 2 shower rooms, two toilets, and a large dining room - kitchen with a panoramic view.
Is the quietest apartment of the house Mansaura commanding a view of the Rätikon Range.
Enjoy breathtaking mountain and valley views from the southeast-facing balcony of this apartment, equipped with solid wood furniture, a modern kitchen, and an extensive deck area.
Tel: + 43 (0) 5556 - 72064
Tel (GSM) Janis: + 43 (0) 6764 – 984660
Tel (GSM) Nora: + 43 (0) 6764 – 984640
Email: info@mansaura-montafon.at
Rätikonstrasse 43
A - 6773 Vandans